
Showing posts from November, 2020

Advice Column (#3): Self-Confidence

  “Mercy Media Advice Column: Self-confidence”  I struggle a lot with being confident in myself. Do you have any tips on increasing self-confidence? - Seeking Self-confidence  Dear Seeking Self-Confidence, Self-confidence is something many people struggle with so you are certainly not alone. You may ask yourself what exactly is self-confidence? Well, self-confidence is defined as an attitude about your skills and abilities. It is accepting and trusting yourself in different areas of your life. Self-confidence allows you to stand up for yourself, overcome fear, and believe in yourself and your ability to succeed. It all starts with knowing yourself and your values. Practice Positive Affirmations Part of knowing yourself is recognizing your positive qualities and abilities. Write down positive qualities about yourself on a sticky note and place it on your bathroom mirror or in your bedroom. By repeating these affirmations to yourself, you are encouraging an optimistic minds...

Featured Clubs (#1): Peer Tutoring & Dungeons and Dragons Clubs

  Featured Clubs:   Peer Tutoring & Dungeons & Dragons Club Written By: Samantha Lynch ‘23 Over the next few weeks, Mercy Media will be writing a reoccurring article covering the diverse offering of clubs. In each edition, we are going to cover two clubs and talk about their goals and purposes. Our Goal With this article is for clubs to attract new members. This is the First Edition of this segment, so be sure to let us know your thoughts in the comments down below! Peer Tutoring Club The Peer Tutoring club is run by Katelyn Osborne ‘21. She started the club “to broaden the tutoring community and make educational aid available to girls who may need help with their classes, especially in this challenging time”. This club typically meets during the collaboration period and a meeting consists of signing up tutors for events, giving helpful advice to better their tutoring skills, and discussing how they can make knowledge accessible for their mercy sisters. The club is mod...

Thanksgiving & Fall Activities

  Thanksgiving & Fall Activities By: Nikki Vo ‘24 Hey Mercy! Thanksgiving is almost here, so it’s time to get in the fall mood! Here are some fun activities to do this fall! 1. Visit a pumpkin patch! Who doesn’t love going to a pumpkin patch? They’re perfect for fall photos. Also, pumpkins make great decorations. 2. Carve those pumpkins! Find some cute designs online and get carving! There are some incredible ideas here: 3. Arts and Crafts Get a few simple materials and you can make festive crafts like hand turkeys or decorating paper leaves! 4. Write cards to your loved ones! Take time to appreciate your family and friends! After all, it is THANKSgiving.  5. Cook/bake! Help your family out and make some of the Thanksgiving dinner! If you’re looking for great recipes, check it out here: Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Meet The New Teachers (#1): Mrs. Martinez & Mrs. Houle

  Meet the New Teachers: Part 1 By: Angelica Buncio ‘22 This year, Mercy has a lot of new awesome faces on campus. Not just the freshmen, but also many transfer students. Additionally, Mercy has gained a handful of new amazing teachers who we are so lucky to have. Over the next few weeks, we will be getting to know the new teachers here at Mercy. Kicking us off this week we have Mrs. Houle, who teaches English 1 and 4, Health & Wellness, and Yearbook as well as Mrs. Martinez who teaches Spanish 2, 3, and 4! We asked them… Mrs. Martinez 1. Where did you grow up?   “I grew up in the South of Spain, on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, in a beautiful city called Almeria.” 2. Why did you decide to come and teach here at Mercy? “M ercy is similar to the one [school] I attended when I was a child: only girls, Catholic, and rigorous in following the standards. A friend of mine told me that Mercy is the best school in the Bay Area!” 3. What is your top goal for this school yea...

Mercy Advice Column (#2): Staying Hopeful during COVID

Mercy Advice Column: Staying Hopeful During COVID Since COVID has been going on, how can I remain hopeful during this time? -Seeking Hope   Dear Seeking Hope,      Even though we are beginning to adapt and create a new normal, unfortunately the coronavirus is still here. I can one hundred percent see how it is so easy to lose hope when we’ve been quarantining, wearing masks, and pumping out hand sanitizer like pros since March. I have compiled some ways to stay positive and take our minds off the current situation that may just help you to see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Stay Connected It is so important to our mental health to stay in touch with those that make us happy, especially when we feel like hope is lost. Setting up a virtual game night or scheduling a time each week to call a friend can give you a chance to talk through the current challenges. Even simply taking five minutes out of your day to check on a friend or grandparent. Don’t forge...

Easy & Quick Snack Ideas

  Easy and Quick Snack Ideas! By Madison H '23 1) Pizza Toast Ingredients : Bread Sauce Cheese Toppings of your own choice I nstructions : Preheat oven to 350 Lay out pieces of bread on a baking sheet. Spread the sauce, sprinkle the cheese and add your toppings. Bake the toast until the cheese is melted. Let cool then serve! 2) Easy Hummus Dip Ingredients : One can of garbanzo beans( or chickpeas) Fresh Lemon Juice 1 tb Olive oil I clove Garlic (optional) 1 tb Tahini (optional) Salt (other spices are optional) Instructions : Pour out the can of beans and rinse well Add all ingredients to your blender and purée until smooth. Scoop out into a bowl and enjoy! 3) Watermelon Slushy   Ingredients : Watermelon Ice (a little more ice than watermelon) About 2 cups of apple juice Instructions : Place all ingredients into a blender. I recommend you put the ice on top, it is a little easier for the blender) Blend until smooth, poor into glasses and enjoy! 4) Guacamole Ingredients : Avoca...

Study Tips For Distance Learning!

  Study Tips! by Nikki Vo ‘24 Hey Mercy, I hope you are all enjoying your classes and I know that some of it can be overwhelming, so here are some tips to help you ace that test or homework! 1. Put the distractions away.   How are you supposed to remember the material if you’re scrolling through TikTok or Instagram? Trust me, you can use it AFTER you study. 2. Don’t wait until the last minute and plan out your study schedule!  It’s always so stressful to try and memorize an entire unit in one night. Study a little bit every day before the test, and you’ll be set! / 3. Get help with your work!  If you’re confused on something, don’t be afraid to ask your peers or teachers for help. You can also have a study session with some friends over Zoom!  4. Use your resources!  Utilize your free time wisely and make sure to attend office hours. Mercy has academic collaboration for a reason! There are also great studying websites like Quizlet or Khan Academy. 5. Rememb...

This Year’s Mother Daughter Tea Has a New Location: Zoom

  This Year’s Mother Daughter Tea Has a New Location: Zoom On October 25th, 2020, Mercy Celebrated its annual mother-daughter tea tradition. This year was historic as the Tea was held over Zoom due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The service consisted of a prayer, a raffle, a game, and a slideshow of Mercy girls with their mothers and grandmothers. Some of the raffle prizes included Mercy gear, yoga equipment, and gift cards, these prizes were generously donated by Mercy’s families. Additionally, Everyone received a keepsake invitation and a packet of tea in the mail. Some participants went all out with elaborate displays of tea, cakes, snacks, and decorations, while others simply casually shared a cup of tea. Some socially distanced with loved ones, while others were divided by a screen. Despite these differences, everyone felt the love that radiated from the Zoom.  I asked members of Mercy Media to share their favorite part of the event, and here are their responses: “My f...