Why Wooly? Tiny Mic Talk Background By Flora Gamba ‘23 At the beginning of this school year, I was talking with Madison Hong ‘23 and Samantha Lynch ‘23, the co-presidents of Mercy Media Club, about joining the club. I knew that I wanted to contribute to the article team; however, I did not know how I could contribute to the video team. That’s when the idea of Tiny Mic Talks was initially introduced. I immediately went on Amazon and found the perfect tiny mic for the show. We created the intro, which at the time included an unreleased theme song, and began to think of questions to ask the Mercy community. We finally decided on our first episode idea: Team Edward vs. Team Jacob. Once decided, we filmed, edited, and posted the video. I can’t speak for the presidents, but I know I was nervous about the reception of the segment. Much to my surprise and delight, the segment was received well. As we continued to put out Tiny Mic Talks episodes, I had come to the realization that ...