Featured Clubs: Girls Supporting Girls, Red Cross, & Marvel Clubs


Featured Clubs #1

By Samantha Lynch ‘23


Mercy has a wide variety of clubs started by our diverse student body. Each week, we will be focusing on a few clubs that are an integral part of our community. This week we are highlighting the Girls Supporting Girls Club, The Red Cross Club, and the Marvel: Movies and Comics Club.

Girls Supporting Girls Club

Girls Supporting Girls Club’s first meeting, via @mercyburlingame on Instagram

The Girls Supporting Girls Club is a new club this year and is run by Ivana Borgen ‘25, Aaliyah Olague ‘25, Alejandra Romero ‘25, Sophia Engstrom ‘25, Mia Cardenas ‘25. One of the presidents, Ivana Borgen, said that they created this club “to allow the girls at Mercy to join a safe and relatable community.” Their goal is to empower other students at Mercy.

The Club meets in Ms. Connolly’s room during lunch. A typical meeting involves the girls playing bonding games, doing service projects, and having safe discussions about various issues that the members have come across in high school. Members Emma Villalobos ‘25 and Victoria Saenz ‘25 joined the club “to be active feminists at an all-girls school.”

Girls Supporting Girls Club Slide, Ivana Borgen


The Club is excited to announce that they are planning a game at the Pink Week rally. Even if you are not a member you will still be able to get involved with this club!

Marvel Club

Marvel Club at the Clubs Fair

The Marvel Club is also new this year. It was started by sophomores PJ Lindlow ’24, Rori Carter ‘24, and Gianna Letora ‘24. They are all avid Marvel fans. They created this club to “share their love of [Marvel] with other people.” That worked out for them, as they have approximately 34 members making the Marvel Club one of the largest clubs at Mercy. 

During a typical meeting members will watch Marvel movies and TV shows, play games, or talk about the franchise. A very important part of their meetings is that they always have snacks. During the last meeting, they brought in cinnamon rolls for their members to enjoy. The Club President, Rori Carter, encourages prospective members to join “even if you don’t know Marvel too well … just keep in mind that there will be spoilers.”

The Red Cross Club

The Red Cross Club has been one of Mercy’s largest and longest-lasting clubs. This year it is a lunch club and is moderated by Ms. Murphy. The Red Cross Club has hosted many blood drives over the years to help those in need. Even last year during the COVID-19 pandemic, they were able to hold a blood drive. This year, the Mercy Red Cross club will be having a blood drive on November 4. If you would like to donate, please contact Ms. Murphy, Natalie Dean, or Janice Wong for more information. 

For those interested in participating, the blood drive counts as service hours. Please read this document for more eligibility information.  

Via the Red Cross Club


Club Presidents! If you would like to have your club included in next week’s edition fill out this google form!



Written By: Samantha Lynch

Edited By: Maria Shelley 

Cover Photo By Samantha Lynch, Girls Supporting Girls at the Clubs Fair 

Photo 1 By @MercyBurlingame on Instagram

Photo 2 From Ivana Borgen, Girls Supporting Girls Club

Photo 3 by Samantha Lynch, Marvel Club at the Clubs Fair

Photo 4 by Red Cross Club


Mercy Media Edition 1

October 5th, 2021



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